"For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45, NIV)
The Rev. Dr. Gide Demosthene is Founder of RGEM International and its subsidiaries: Redeeming Grace Christian Fellowship, the Theological Institute for Ministerial Education, and The Technical Occupational Learning Center, Brockton, MA. He is an Ordained Minister with ABCUSA/TABCOM, and is a member of the Ministers Council of the American Baptist Churches USA; and The Black Ministerial Alliance of Greater Boston, Inc. Dr. Démosthène is an alumnus of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, graduated with a Master of Divinity Degree, 2006, and Doctor of Ministry, 2009. His research track was in Ministry in Complex Urban Settings, and his doctoral thesis was: Towards a Family-Structured Church System and Ministry: Developing Effective Redemptive Church Ministries for Broken and Dysfunctional Families. His most recent publication is an Autobiography: God's Footprints in Personal Life, Family Life, and Ministry: When God Shapes, Molds, and Equips Us for Ministry, 2024, published by Christian Faith Publishing.
Dr. Demosthene previously worked at Gordon-Conwell's Boston campus as Registrar and Enrollment Management Coordinator for nearly sixteen years, and served as an Adjunct Professor of Practical Theology. In ministry, he has served for about 20 years, in many church positions, in Boston, MA. He also served as an Interim Pulpit Supply Minister at First Baptist Church of Brockton, MA., and currently, he is Founding Senior Pastor at Redeeming Grace Christian Fellowship for over eleven years, a church plant ministry he started in Brockton, MA in the year 2013. His pastoral leadership ministry extends for over 33 years.
in April 2020, after his departure from his position at Gordon-Conwell, Dr. Demosthene worked toward the development of the Theological Institute for Ministerial Education (TIME), and served as its president and CEO. Dr. Demosthene is married to his beloved wife, Andrelyn, and has four children: Priscille, Kenneth, Hallenah, and Abigail. With a deep committed love for God, family, Christ's Church and coming kingdom, He labors confidently alongside other ministers of the Gospel to make Christ known in the fullness of His power in the fellowship of the saints and in actual family-life.
"The Lord is my strength and song, and He has become my salvation; this is my God, and I will praise Him; my father's God, and I will extol Him. The Lord is a warrior; the Lord is His name. (Exodus 15:2-3)
Anthony Cohen of Milton, MA, is President and CEO of the Boston Military Outreach Inc.. He serves as Director of RGEMI, and Vice Chairman of the Board: 2020-2025
Joan Blake is a publishing author, and founder of Key to Life ministry. She serves as Director of RGEMI, and Coordinator of Womens' Ministries - 2022-2025
Simon Demosthene, Founding Pastor of Global Reach Evangelical Missionary Church, Dorchester , MA. He serves as Director of RGEMI - 2022-2025
Mazama Davids is Pastor of New Purpose Church Ministries and a long-time associate of RGEM International. She serves as Director, 2022-2025
Andrelyn Demosthene is a Brockton Board of Health associate Nurse. She serves as Director and Clerk at RGEMI - 2022-2025
David Nok Daniel, Ph.D. (Cand.)
Specializing in Intergenerational Leadership, is currently completing his Ph.D. dissertation. He is serving RGEMI as Director.
Georgia Allen is a retired Banking Associate, and former Deaconess at FBCB. She serves as Clerk of RGEMI
J. David Demosthene is Pastor of ECEG, District Supervisor of the churches in PAP, and Director of RGEMI
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